Email Template to Transition Current Data Subscribers
To Whom It May Concern,
We are in the process of migrating our MLS services over to FBS. This transition requires a change in the data feed that you’re currently receiving for us.
You’ll find instructions to register for a Spark Developer account (if you don’t already have one) and apply for an API data plan below. This access is being provided early so that you can go through mapping and testing processes prior to our Flexmls go-live on (enter_date_here). Flexmls will be running in parallel with our current service provider’s system starting (enter_date_here).
Also, please note that over the next few weeks leading up to and after the go-live date, changes to field formats may occur and many listings may update at once.
When do you complete your new registration?
MLS data plans have been published, you can complete the Spark Developer account registration step now to apply to receive data to ensure you’re ready for prior go-live.
Our data plans will be easily identified by looking for Enter_MLS_Name – IDX (or whichever feed you’re looking for) in the title.
- Data plan subscriptions can be initiated by using the member’s FLEXMLS USERNAME
- You can also use the members TechId instead of the Flexmls username.
- This information can be obtained from the MLS member you’re working with or by reaching out to the MLS administrator.
To Register/Access data you can review this documentation on How to Set Up API Access or follow the steps outlined below:
- To access live data, you’ll need to sign up for a data plan via the Spark Datamart. Start by logging into your developer account at
- Click on the “Datamart” link near the top left. You will have to enter a payment method if you have not done so already. The payment screen drops you off in the app store when you’re finished entering your details, so once it does, go back to the Datamart at
- Search for the MLS you want to access in the top left search bar, then sign up for the data plan you wish to enroll in. This will trigger the approval process with the MLS administration, and once that is completed, you’ll receive an API key that will provide you access to the plan.
Note that the Spark API/RESO Web API usage fee starts at $50 per month as explained in our New Pricing Update announcement. This is separate from any fees charged by the MLS for access to the data plans.